How to reduce premature skin aging?
Never Too Late
To begin with, we need to understand how our skin is structured. The skin is made up of the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, and fascia, and a little further deep is our muscles and bones.
The dermis is composed of collagen fibers, elastic fibers, matrix, and cellular components, as well as blood vessels, nerves, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, hair follicles, etc. Dermis affects the skin greatly. It’s like a reservoir, a spring, a transporter, and a receptor of the skin, which continuously maintains its health as well as prevents and reduces dryness and wrinkles. To ensure skin nutrition, we must work hard on the dermis layer.
Skin’s elasticity and tension are maintained by a “mesh spring”, which is formed by the intersection of collagen fibers (composed of various types of collagens) and elastic fibers (composed of various types of elastin).
Collagen fibers — Composed mainly of collagen, these fibers are tough and soft and help maintain skin tension.
Elastic fiber — The main component is elastin. It is very elastic.
Like the springs in a spring bed, these fibers cross to form an elastic web, which maintains the skin’s elasticity and tension. Healthy fibers result in firm and elastic skin.
Fibers themselves have a life cycle of apoptosis, while fibroblasts are production machines that continually create collagen fibers and elastic fibers as a way to maintain the dermal metabolism.
The most important factor in reducing the effects of aging is to stimulate the production of fibroblasts (maintaining the dermal collagen content).
Daily Anti-Aging
Three keys to daily anti-aging are a healthy lifestyle, skincare & maintenance, and medical cosmetology (e.g., using beauty products at home and using medical beauty products).
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